Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Message from Our Spiritual Director

Spiritual Director for Center for Spiritual Living Chico
Rev. Kathy Fernandes, Spiritual Director

Hello Beloved Guest,

Welcome to the Center for Spiritual Living Chico. We are a joyful, loving and inclusive community, opening and discovering together our Spiritual Nature that resides within. We honor all paths to God, Spirit, or to that Divine Universal Source that goes by many names. We use spiritual tools and practices to open our hearts, minds and souls to our Greater Truth, understanding that we are all One in Unity.

If you have found your way to our website, we believe you are reading this message because there is something within you looking for a place to call ‘home,’ calling you to a greater spiritual expression. There is a spiritual impulsion that is either pushing or pulling you to fulfill your heart’s desire and to share that with like-minded and like-hearted people. We invite you to come join us. It is our intention to support you on your spiritual journey wherever that may lead you. We are all on a journey of spiritual growth and discovery, and together we can do so much more than we can do alone.

Our Center attracts a community of spiritual seekers interested living and working in accordance with the great spiritual principles and laws taught in every religion. We offer studies and practices in the Science of Mind®, as originally established by the Founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes who said, “There is only One Power in the Universe and we can all use it.”

We believe in and use the following spiritual tools:

Meditation – the practice that transcends all theologies and brings inner peace.
Mindfulness – the practice of paying attention in the present moment while objectively observing oneself and others.
Affirmative Prayer – the recognition of One Universal Spirit, which is the Center of Everything, living in, as and through all things.
Gratitude – The realization that all good has already been provided here and now.
Affirmations – a simple, positive statement in the present tense which leads the mind to create a reality and to see the good in all things
Visioning – the practice of revealing the spiritual dimension and reality of any situation.
Giving and Receiving – Conscious participation in the circulation of Universal Good.
Sacred Service (also known as Seva = Selfless Service) – Sharing our gifts by participating from our hearts in the Greater Community.
Forgiveness – The active practice of compassion and the process of releasing judgments.

Our belief is that we live in a spiritual universe. We believe that the power of our thought, backed by natural spiritual laws, can heal, fulfill, and transform us. We affirm that it is done unto us as we believe. Our philosophy embraces the truths of new thought and ancient wisdom, while remaining open at the top to include the discoveries of modern science as well as the eternal truth of the world’s great religions for affirmative living. We honor and embrace all walks of life and all expressions of faith. All are welcome here.

Just Love,

“Peace be unto thee, stranger, enter and be not afraid. I have left the gate open and thou art welcome to my home… I have swept the hearth and lighted the fire. The room is warm and cheerful, and you will find comfort and rest within. The table is laid and the fruits of Life are spread before thee… I have set a chair for you where the sunbeams dance through the shade. Sit and rest and refresh your soul… All, all is yours, and you are welcome.”

Dr. Ernest Holmes, Founder of the Science of Mind Philosophy