
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Practitioner Program

Practitioners are people of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding who have been trained in the art, science and skill of affirmative prayer or what we call Spiritual Mind Treatment. They have devoted time and effort to learning how to offer effective affirmative prayer for others. They also know how to offer compassionate support and a new perspective on the challenges of life.

A practitioner is licensed to practice professionally and is bound by a high code of ethics to respect confidentiality. He or she is an invaluable resource when there is a need for healing and can assist in expanding your own possibilities.

Why Do I Need a Practitioner?

A practitioner uses the Science of Mind much as a physician uses the science of medicine. When we are physically injured in some way it seems prudent to call a doctor. The doctor, being a professional, looks for the cause and prescribes the “treatment.” A practitioner uses the Creative Power which already exists. Divine Wisdom is there for each of us to use. He or she knows the Spiritual Truth about the affairs of the person for whom he or she is treating.

When Should I Call a Practitioner?

A good time to call a practitioner is when you are involved in a difficult situation, whether it be of a mental, emotional, or physical nature. When you are depressed, confused or discouraged, a practitioner can help you separate temporary emotions from the Divine Truth and nature of your being.

A practitioner can also help guide your consciousness to a place of clarity, peace and harmony. Ernest Holmes said: “There is a Power for good in the Universe that is greater than you, and you can use it.”

The first step toward this “good” can be within the experience of working with a practitioner to open new and greater possibilities in your life.

We know that with God all things are possible, therefore, whatever the challenge, there is an answer.

What is Spiritual Mind Treatment?

Treatment is our word for affirmative prayer. We know all things are possible so where there seems to be a problem, we know there is also a solution. When we are faced with a problem and we cannot understand what is wrong, the objective mind of the practitioner offers a purely scientific approach to changing what is perceived to what is Truth.

You may place a treatment request form in the “Healing Chest” located in the lobby. Your request will receive treatment by a member of the Healing Ministry for two weeks. During the week, a practitioner is on call to help you at no charge. Call the church, 895-8395, for a referral.

What is a “One Minute Miracle”?

Our Practitioner Team is offering ONE MINUTE MIRACLES after the service.  This is an opportunity for you to receive a brief affirmative prayer for something specific in your life, given at no charge by one of these trained professionals.

If you choose to request a full Practitioner Session, you and the Practitioner can set up an appointment time and place.

Take advantage of this wONEderful service by meeting the Practitioner of your choice at the Prayer Area after the 10:00 service.















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A practitioner is licensed to practice professionally and is bound by a high code of ethics to respect confidentiality. He or she is an invaluable resource when there is a need for healing and can assist in expanding your own possibilities.