
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Posts by admin

One with Abundance

Written by Sandy Gohlke I quiet my mind and open to the great realization of an abundant Universe. I recognize there is an unseen Presence for good that creates all life out of itself for the purpose of expressing more of itself as life. This One Life lacks nothing. I am one with this One…

Faith as a verb for kids

Affirmation- I can use faith as a verb. This week your parents or guardians are learning how to use faith as a verb. They will practice acting out their faith. But that concept can be a little hard to understand sometimes. Today was a good day to learn how to use verbs a little better…

image of a flock of birds flying around at sunset

I Fly Freely

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P. The murmurations of migrating birds whirling in the wind like thick black smoke. Thousands of birds making hairpin turns, swiftly shifting up and down and all around, creating irregular shapes in perfect unison as they dance to the symphony of Life conducted by the One Infinite Mind. I know that…

picture of three kids playing outside

Teaching Faith to Kids

Affirmation: “I live life with faith!“ To start with I would like to identify what faith means to most people. Today we are going to use the definition “A strong or unshakable belief in something, especially without proof or evidence”. Faith is a part of many things. It is part of yourself. Believing that you…

Flexibility and Ease

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P. I experience the Life that surrounds me. It is the gentle gliding of the tides sashaying along the seashore in a rhythmic dance. The effervescent, salty water that I can taste and feel upon my face. The glistening moonlight expressing its beauty as it reflects on the imperfectly perfect surface of the vast ocean. God is…

KOSMIC kIDS 5/10/2020

Affirmation: I Live Life with Intention! What is intention? Well an intention is a desire, a want , a goal, or anything you are working towards. It could be wanting to learn to read chapter books or practicing throwing to do better in your next baseball game. The goal of living life with intention is…

I am a Cheerful Receiver

Written by Rev. Connie Asquith “A Christian friend of mine asked me to pray for her. I put a few ‘Lords’ in it because of her faith, but it works just fine for any one needing spiritual guidance. Science of Mind teachings honor all paths to God.” I believe in God. I believe God is…

The Essence of Life

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P. The Essence of Life embodies all Creation. This Essence is intelligent and creates out of Itself with purpose and intention. The Essence of Life is God and is all that exists.  All that exists, exists because of God; all that exists, exists as God.  I am the Essence of Life; it is…

Kosmic Kids IAM hopscotch game

Today’s Affirmation: My soul leaps with joy. Today I would like you guys to make a HOPE-scotch where you can live out a few “I am” affirmations that allow your body to leap just like your soul.  What is an “I am” affirmation? An “I am” affirmation is a simple positive statement that we can…