
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Posts by admin (Page 2)

Woman wearing a mask at the grocery store during covid 19

Fear is contagious, but so is Love.

Written by Annalisa Cunningham Last week I was shopping in a grocery store with my mask on. All of a sudden I heard a woman next to the frozen foods scream at another woman:  “get away from me, you are supposed to be six feet away!” The woman being yelled at was perhaps 4 feet…

Unity in relationships

Written by Rev. Dr. Carolyn McKeown-Fish There is but One Mind, which is the Mind of God. In this Mind, all people live,move and have their being. Contained within this Mind is a Divine Pattern forhumanity which is a pattern of infinite harmony, peace, cooperation, unity,mutual helpfulness and ultimately Love. I know that my mind,…

Kosmic Kids & Earth Day

Affirmation | “I live for global well being” With Earth Day just around the corner, each of us can do our part to help make a difference. Right now, is the best time to teach young kids about our amazing planet! At CSLChico we LOVE mother Earth and want to promote a sustainable world for everyone, big and small!…

Woman sitting on a rock outside meditating. with flowers blooming next to her


Written by Rev. Monica Sandoval I acknowledge the presence of God right here and right now. In the silence, as I move my awareness within myself I recognize that this Presence is all there is, and therefore I know that I am one with it and one with all there is around me. In this…

SOM Treatment for Creativity

Written by Vicki Lopes There IS only the One…one God, Spirit, Great Creator…whatever name is given. The One that has been and always will be…Pure Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence. This Oneness expresses itself Creatively as me, as you as everyone and everything. The Power of this Creativity is as minute as the tiniest organism to…

Health, Finances and Wellbeing

SOM TREATMENT by Vicki Lopes There is only one Spirit. This Spirit, in all of its Magnificence, Expresses in, as and through me, through you and through all that is. The Love that exudes from Spirit is the very sustenance that supports me and every Being on our planet with Compassionate Tenderness, ensuring perfect balance…

Centered in Spirit

By Sandy Gohlke, R.Sc.P I begin this day recognizing there is one Source of Good, the Infinite Creator that has created all beings and all life out of itself.  I am one with the all-present Love, Peace, and Intelligence. This is the Truth of my being. I consciously turn towards this invisible something that is…

Kosmic kids weekly Activity 1

Kids Affirmation | “I understand the language of God!“ This week we uploaded a short activity for the kids posted on Facebook. All you need is paper and some drawing materials for this one; as they explore what gods language is. Please comment and share on Facebook because families could use more activities to do…

I am the Wealth of God

By Rev. Dr. Carolyn McKeown There is one Divine Spirit that is creator of all. The Spiritis a power for good – a universal intelligence foreverexpressing Itself in form. Since the Source is in all,through all and as all, I am a means by which It’sGoodness, Love and Intelligence express as my life. Aware I…

Divine energy image of female silhouette

COVID-19 Prayer

By Sandy Gohlke, R.Sc.P. Dear  Beloved, Thank you for allowing me the privilege of praying with you today.  I have written this affirmative prayer in the first person so that you can make it your own.  Please refer to it often, every day. Speak this prayer with as much feeling as you can. Know that this prayer, your…