By Sandy Gohlke, R.Sc.P
I begin this day recognizing there is one Source of Good, the Infinite Creator that has created all beings and all life out of itself. I am one with the all-present Love, Peace, and Intelligence. This is the Truth of my being. I consciously turn towards this invisible something that is much greater than my human self and operates through me, according to my receptivity. I release thoughts of lack and open to something better.
Source is the One Mind everywhere present. I am never separate from Divine Mind. I embrace this truth and align my thoughts, words and actions with this Magnificent Power. I consciously practice observing all that is around me, every person, plant, act of kindness and everything intangible, reminding myself this all God/Spirit. Everything appearing unlike my idea of what good looks like, is instilled with all the power and attributes of Spirit. I practice knowing there is a higher truth than my eyes can see.
I am patient with myself. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I am gentle with myself and chose to center my consciousness with Spirit. I mature in spiritual consciousness through affirmative prayer, affirmations, meditation, listening and reading from spiritual teachers. I practice what I want to become. God is the creative potential within me, with limitless possibilities available for my use.
I accept where I am this moment on my spiritual path. I set my intention to expand in spiritual consciousness and gracefully grow into my greater “next to be.” I practice gratitude, allowing it to be the consciousness that precedes my thoughts, words and actions. God/Spirit is the Divine Unconditional Love within me.
I give thanks for this clarity of who I am. I lack nothing. All that I need is before me, awaiting my acceptance. With a grateful heart, I release this affirmative prayer into the impersonal Law of Mind which makes this so. And so it is.