We believe “with God, all things are possible.” Talk to a Practitioner if you are in need of inspiration, celebration of a major event in your life and/or healing in any area: financial, relational, health or career. You are God’s wondrous gift. Let a Practitioner remind you of that!
Our practitioners have studied and applied the Science of Mind principles in their lives. They will do Spiritual Mind Treatment, our form of affirmative prayer, with anyone needing support over the phone or by appointment.

Monte Cameron R.Sc.P.
I became a Practitioner in the mid 1990’s. My goal at the time was to be service to those ready to acknowledge that part of themselves on a Spiritual Journey.
I became conscious of my own spirituality at a very young age. It guided me to life of seeking to know more about my own consciousness and how it relates to the universe. The knowledge that I’ve gained on this journey has been a huge asset in my life.
In the lates 1980’s my path intersected with Religious Science, which has since become Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL). Being part of the CSL community has added to my journey as I chose to take advantage of the community, service, and educational aspects of the Center. It provided an avenue for me to continue to deepen my spiritual knowledge and to connect with others in both communion and in service. My goal for becoming a Practitioners has, from the onset, become my life purpose and mission. It is my goal to be a catalyst for others on their own journey as they begin or deepen their connection to the Divine and truly come to know themselves.

John Boyle R.Sc.P.
I became a licensed Practitioner in 2007 after spending several years taking Science of Mind classes. I have always been a seeker of truth and found that the classes did two things. First, the classes put structure and context around some of the deep spiritual beliefs I already had, while guiding me on a lifelong journey of spiritual awakening. Secondly, I developed deep and meaningful relationships with other classmates, in large part due to the time spent in prayer for each other.
As I developed the skill of seeing beyond appearances and as the use of Spiritual Mind Treatment became more and more natural, I felt the desire to serve as a licensed Practitioner. I appreciate that over the last twenty-five years the Center has provided a foundational source of love, support, and information that has greatly enhanced my life. My mission as a practitioner is to teach the Science of Mind principles and to live these principles in my day-to-day life.

Julie Fisher R.Sc.P.
Julie Fisher became a licensed Practitioner in 2021.
Having stepped into a New Thought Center in 2011, the teaching felt “like home”; she began taking classes in 2014. The metaphysical teachings, philosophy and tools applied to life, improved and expanded her experiences, relationships and understanding of why life works the way it does. Julie knew that the path to Practitioner would enhance her understanding, and open opportunities for spiritual service.
Being part of this community continues to attract to Julie friends and cohorts that understand the philosophy, or are interested in knowing more, and expanding their lives, knowing and living their greatest potential. The CSL community offers continued spiritual growth, experiences and opportunities for community outreach and service.
Practitioner Julie’s purpose is to in service, connecting people, and sharing the joy, creativity, peace and compassion that is Life. She looks forward to the abundance of opportunities to teach and share SOM principles.

Sandy Gohlke R.Sc.P.
I was licensed as a Practitioner in June 1998. Twenty years later I gained Emeritus status. Becoming a Practitioner was a natural progression for me following several years of discovering and learning how Science of Mind principles worked in my life. My world opened as I learned I was deserving and loved. My sense of caution in the world was replaced with faith in believing and being love. Joy and playfulness are now my intention. Being part of this community is an open door to being an example of the Science of Mind way of living.

Katt Llewellyn R.Sc.P.
Becoming a Practitioner has allowed me to help others discover their true inner self and become conscious of how they co-create their experiences. Together, our community thrives with our willingness to receive and be of service to others. In this way I am living my mission as a Practitioner.
I discovered the Science of Mind philosophy in 1997 and have been learning and loving how to apply its principles into my life ever since. I am a newly licensed Practitioner and am here to serve CSL Chico and the greater Chico community.
My heart is that of a musician/songwriter. My focus in life is to share my gifts with compassion and joy, and to shine my light with Love to all I encounter. I am a peace warrior involved with global organizations who are striving to bring more peace and coherence to the beautiful planet we call home. I feel blessed and love to bless others.

Crystal Lively R.Sc.P.
I discovered the Center for Spiritual Living Chico in 2013 when I took the Foundations class. Since that time, I have steadily taken classes, expanding my spiritual understanding with each class and with the time I’ve invested at the Center. The Science of Mind philosophy, principles and practices have given me concrete tools and clarity that brought back my faith and trust in a Higher Power.
Becoming a Practitioner is an honor and a gift. As I serve others it reinforces my connection to God and to all those I meet. Practitioner sessions are a great resource for our Spiritual Community. By acknowledging and revealing the Truth in any given human experience, be it loss, pain, dreams, disturbances, goals, or the seeking of clarity, a Practitioner session can give rise to peace, power, joy, love, and wisdom. I look forward to being of service to you and our community. See you at the Center.

Vicki Lopes R.Sc.P.
I became a licensed Practitioner in 2006 and later went on a hiatus in 2010 to assist my family with health support needs. I reinstated my license in December of 2020. I first became a Practitioner because I wanted to be of service in a deeper way. When I decided to reinstate my license, I felt an even deeper calling– one filled with wisdom gained throughout the years.
I feel that being part of this community is a true gift, a multifaceted gift of Love, Joy, Co-creation, Compassion, and Service that keeps on giving with every interaction both within our community and in the greater community as well.
My mission as a Practitioner is an evolutionary process of ever- increasing awareness to Be The Love in whatever way It presents itself. I am now feeling an intense calling to embrace ministerial studies.

Amy Roberts R.Sc.P.
I became a licensed Practitioner in August of 2021 to deepen my own personal understanding of spiritual principles to be of perfect service to others. My goal is that no one comes to me without leaving better.
Being a part of this CSLC community has given me a sense of belonging and the knowing that I always have a safe place to land. I have no better words to describe it than those penned by Emma Curtis Hopkins:
“Rise up oh, my soul
To amuse, enlighten and invigorate the world.
Infuse me with love, wisdom, and humor.
Show me how to inspire minds and uplift souls.
Give me the golden key to open hearts.
Allow me to introduce people to their higher selves and to their Oneness with the Divine.
Encourage them to listen to Spirit softly guiding them through their intuition and through their dreams.
Make them whole, happy, powerful, loving and kind.
With you as my Source and me as your actor, heaven is in this moment and forever eternal.
Let no one come to me without leaving better.”

Dr. Randy Tenckhoff R.Sc.P.
Randy is a registered Science of Mind Practitioner.

Rod Loomis R.Sc.P.
Rod is a registered Science of Mind Practitioner.

Johanne Carreau R.Sc.P.
Johanne is a registered Science of Mind Practitioner.
Work with a Practitioner
To protect our practitioners privacy we have not included their email or phone number. If you would like to get in touch with one of our practitioners, or know who the Practitioner of the Month is, call The Center’s front office at 530-895-8395.
Contact the Center for Spiritual Living Chico to make an appointment with a Practitioner, or connect with one after Sunday service, either for a full appointment or a One Minute Miracle. A full appointment is more interactive with the practitioner in order to discover more about the belief that is causing disharmony. A full appointment includes learning more about the principles and affirmations that can be applied in order reveal healing in the individuals situation. The full appointment ends in an affirmative prayer. A One Minute Miracle is an affirmative prayer based on the topic of the requestor.
For full appointments:
Suggested Minimum for Licensed Practitioners | $45.00
Suggested Minimum for Ministers | $55.00
Intern Practitioners do not charge for services
No one is ever denied treatment for inability to pay
Practitioner frequently asked questions
What is a Practitioner?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
What is Affirmative Prayer?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Do I need a Practitioner?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Why is there a cost to work with a Practitioner?
Practitioners have taken at least 3 years of Science of Mind classes. They have done their own spiritual work and continue to invest in themselves. They are professionals and their experience, knowledge, skills and time are valued.
Recognize that treatment work is never withheld because of an inability to pay. Simply explain to the Practitioner, and ask for work in the area of prosperity so that you can start to heal that and be in a stable financial condition.
Once I decide the services of a Practitioner, what do I do next?
When you have decided to seek the services of a Practitioner, you can help by trusting the process:
- Have faith in the Mind of God. It is Omnipotent and It does the work.
- Contemplate your challenge and get clear on what you want to accomplish in consciousness.
- Release your problem by giving it to your Practitioner.
- Be ready to move forward in consciousness and accept a healing.
- Endeavor to keep a positive attitude. Be expectant, accepting every good thing as part of your demonstration.
- Be thankful. Give thanks for the wonderful change that is taking place in your life.
Must I be present in order for Affirmative Prayer to work?
No. Affirmative Prayers are just as effective if the Practitioner is in your presence, on the telephone, or on the other side of the world. There is only One Mind: God’s Mind and that Mind is everywhere present.
Can I do Affirmative Prayer for myself?
Yes. The Practitioner will also assist you in the process and correct use of Affirmative Prayer. For example, the following simple Affirmative Prayer alone can raise your consciousness and your level of acceptance of good in your life:
There is One Universal Life, and I am unified with It. I declare that within this Divine Life is contained all that I need for a healthy, happy, prosperous life. I accept this good gladly, turning away from any appearance to the contrary. In deep gratitude I give thanks – I let go and let God. And so it is.
After I receive the services of a Practitioner, what can I do to assist in the manifestation of my good?
- Have faith in the healing power of the One Mind. Remember the words of Jesus: “The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the work.”
- Release your problem to God. If the problem comes up in your mind later, dismiss it with a simple affirmation, such as, “Through prayer all things are possible. God is resolving this situation NOW.”
- Use the Affirmative Prayer given to you by the Practitioner as many times as necessary every day.
- Keep a positive attitude. Believe and know that God desires your demonstration just as much as you do.
- Be grateful. Give heartfelt thanks to God for the wonderful changes that are taking place in your life.