Greetings Beloved Community,
As we turn within, letting go of the outer appearance of chaos, division and confusion, we find at the depth of our Being, a Peace that passes Understanding, Deep Abiding and Divine Love, Everlasting Truth, and a Unity that connects all Life. As we each take the time to connect to that core essence of our Being during this election time, we find the inner clarity, the calm, and the focus on a vision and out-picturing for the Highest Expression of our United States. We know by the Power of our VIsion, Intentions and Consciousness, we plant the seeds of Truth in Mind knowing that by our faith and conviction of our intentions, it will be demonstrated in our World.
We stand for liberty and justice for all.
Where all life is honored as expressions of the Divine.
Where people live according to spiritual truth.
Where unity and connection are emphasized.
Where humanity awakens to spiritual magnificence.
Where humanity rediscovers personal creative power.
Where we live as one global family.
Where kinship with all life prospers.
Where spiritual guidance is valued.
Where we are called to conscious social action.
Where people have enough food, homes, and a sense of belonging.
Where forgiveness is the norm.
Where there is peace, harmony, and justice for all.
Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics.
Where resources are valued, cared for, and shared.
Where communities are meaningfully involved in service to the world.
We see a world that works for everyone.
We embrace and embody these ideas, knowing the Law of Mind does the work, and it will be manifested in the outer world. This is the Science of Mind. And we are Thankful to know this deeper Truth that shall prevail.
And so it it.
-Rev. Kathy
by Dr. Ernest Holmes, 1887 – 1960
Believing in the Divine destiny of the United States of America and in the preservation of liberty, security, and self-expression, I offer this, my prayer for my country:
I know that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of the United States of America, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide its affairs.
I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of freedom, and are the Divine heritage of everyone in this country.
I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are now operating in the affairs of every individual in this country.
I know that Divine guidance enlightens the collective mind of the people of this country, causing it to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression.
I know that no one can believe or be led to believe that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all.
The All-Knowing Mind of God contains the answer to every problem which confronts this country.
I know that every leader in this country is now directed to this All-Knowing Mind and has the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem, and each is compelled to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all.
And I know that this spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression.
And so it is. Amen.