Rev. Michael Benson discusses our limitations “in the now” and how they can grow less limiting when we have gratitude for what we have.
Rev. Michael Benson discusses our limitations “in the now” and how they can grow less limiting when we have gratitude for what we have.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the book “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach, and tells a story of his time counselling in correctional facilities while discussing the power of our conciousness to expand past what ails us.
Rev. Michael Benson discusses Halloween, and how the limited beliefs we sometimes hold can serve as “costumes” we put on spiritually.
Rev. Eileen Brownell discusses multiple belongings, the idea that we have different connections with different things, and how duality can bring us closer with those that may initially seem different to us.
Rev. Kathy Fernandes formally introduces new CSL Chico practitioners and staff ministers and asks them what serving the community means to them.
Crystal Lively R.Sc.P guides us through clearing the spaces of the body where tensions builds, and asking us to lift our spirits.
Rev. Kathy Fernandes helps spotlight our new featured book, Becoming Supernatural, with a stirring inspirational lesson on the transformative power of our mind and spirits.