Rev. Andy Torkelson relates personal experiences with his father death to illustrate the power that metaphors can represent.
Rev. Andy Torkelson relates personal experiences with his father death to illustrate the power that metaphors can represent.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the power of dynamic prayer that meets you at your own spiritual needs.
Rev. Andy Torkelsonn discusses the power of the “I Am” statement when declaring our intentions to the world, regardless of whether they come from positive or negative mental spaces.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses his globe-travelling aunt and her close relationship with her grandmother, and the ever-present love waiting for us behind spiritual connection.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the Three Kings of the Nativity, and the spark inside of us that drives us to search for different truths and answers when it comes to Spirit.
Note: we experienced network difficulties during this service and as such there may be audio/video glitches. Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the spiritual practices of manifestation and how we manage to connect with each other while being on our own unique different paths.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the book “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach, and tells a story of his time counselling in correctional facilities while discussing the power of our conciousness to expand past what ails us.
Sometimes the simplest things can make a huge difference, like a painting on a wall or the words we say to others. Rev. Andy Torkelson tells a heartfelt personal story on the power of intentions on our spirit.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the importance behind playfulness and being lighthearted in our spiritual practice, and the ways we can lighten our spiritual load through play.
Rev. Andy Torkelson continues the return of in-person services, telling a moving story of a slave and a lion meeting an unusual conclusion in a lesson on coming together in spirit despite our outwards differences.