Rev. Michael Benson delivers a moving guided meditation on spiritual fulfilment, wholeness, and the strength of spirit.
Rev. Michael Benson delivers a moving guided meditation on spiritual fulfilment, wholeness, and the strength of spirit.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the importance behind playfulness and being lighthearted in our spiritual practice, and the ways we can lighten our spiritual load through play.
Sandy Gohlke R.Sc.P asks some basic questions about why we meditate, adding in her own personal perspective and leading into a freeing and mindful meditation routine.
Rev. Kathy Fernandes speaks about the difficulties we have all gone through since COVID, the lessons we have had to learn, and asks us how we have had to learn, adapt, and overcome challenges both new and old.
Rev. Connie Asquith retells the story of a Chinese farmer and his various trials and tribulations in a meditation designed to bring us out of mindset of fear and judgment and into one of mindfulness and patience.
Rev. Andy Torkelson continues the return of in-person services, telling a moving story of a slave and a lion meeting an unusual conclusion in a lesson on coming together in spirit despite our outwards differences.
Note: there is a small part at the beginning of the video that is cut off. We apologies for the technical issues. Vicki Lopes R.Sc.P soothes the energy in the room and focuses it with a moving guided meditation on our collective unity.
Rev. Kathy Fernandes welcomes the CSL Congregation back to in-person services with a stirring question filled service, asking us what we’ve learned throughout the pandemic, the spiritual challenges we’ve faced, and what lies ahead for us in the ‘after COVID era’
Sandy Gohlke R.Sc.P sets the tone of our return to in person services, bringing the energy in the room into focus with a mindful, soothing guided meditation.
Our inner strength is often something we don’t correctly guess the power of, whether we assume it is too weak or we have perfect control over ourselves. Crystal Lively helps us get back in touch with our inner selves to find where we truly lie.