Rev. Vicki Lopes blesses us with a traditional Hawaiian forgiveness prayer, to lighten and enrich us, and then moves into a relaxing and soothing guided meditation on “living aloha”
Rev. Vicki Lopes blesses us with a traditional Hawaiian forgiveness prayer, to lighten and enrich us, and then moves into a relaxing and soothing guided meditation on “living aloha”
Note: we experienced network difficulties during this service and as such there may be audio/video glitches. Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the spiritual practices of manifestation and how we manage to connect with each other while being on our own unique different paths.
Rev. Teri Lerch discusses the wisdom her dog exudes, leading into a relaxing guided meditation.
Rev. Michael Benson discusses our limitations “in the now” and how they can grow less limiting when we have gratitude for what we have.
John Boyle R.Sc.P calls on us to move beyond the paradigm of the now to a place of higher truth.
Rev. Eileen Brownell discusses Hindu gods and the difficulties of having to endure and adapt to spiritual limitations.
Crystal Lively R.Sc.P leads a guided meditation on the passage of time and how we let our spirits grow.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the book “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach, and tells a story of his time counselling in correctional facilities while discussing the power of our conciousness to expand past what ails us.
NOTE: The beginning of this meditation is cut off due to a recording error, we apologize for any inconveninence. Vicki Lopes R.Sc.P uses the upcoming 3rd anniversary of the Camp Fire to discuss the strength and resilience everpresent in spirit, and leads us into a soothing guided meditation.
Rev. Michael Benson discusses Halloween, and how the limited beliefs we sometimes hold can serve as “costumes” we put on spiritually.