Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the Three Kings of the Nativity, and the spark inside of us that drives us to search for different truths and answers when it comes to Spirit.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the Three Kings of the Nativity, and the spark inside of us that drives us to search for different truths and answers when it comes to Spirit.
Revs. Michael Benson and Eileen Brownell, and R.Sc.Ps Crystal Lively and Vicki Lopes lead this ceremony designed to help celebrate and move on past the old year, and bring change and new intentions into the new year.
Rev. Michael Benson reflects on the holiday season, and how they can strengthen our spiritual bonds even when we may be struggling.
Rev. Eileen Brownell talks about the birth of Jesus, and in particular how the shepherds represent a powerful spiritual force despite their unassuming appearance.
Inspired by one of her favorite artists, John Denver, and his song “You Are A Gift,” Rev. Kathy discusses our spiritual resiliency and how we can all learn to recognize, realize, and empower our true creative selves.
Note: we experienced network difficulties during this service and as such there may be audio/video glitches. Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the spiritual practices of manifestation and how we manage to connect with each other while being on our own unique different paths.
Rev. Michael Benson discusses our limitations “in the now” and how they can grow less limiting when we have gratitude for what we have.
Rev. Eileen Brownell discusses Hindu gods and the difficulties of having to endure and adapt to spiritual limitations.
Rev. Andy Torkelson discusses the book “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach, and tells a story of his time counselling in correctional facilities while discussing the power of our conciousness to expand past what ails us.
Rev. Michael Benson discusses Halloween, and how the limited beliefs we sometimes hold can serve as “costumes” we put on spiritually.