
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Sermons on Inspirational Lessons (Page 17)

Metal heart key chain. with customs names engraved to create a puzzle heart shape

Rev. Kathy Fernandes & New Practitioner Interns!

Today’s Sunday Inspiration lesson explores Science of Mind philosophy by discussing how it empowers lives from first hand experiences with our Center’s newest group of practitioner interns Katt Llewellyn, Crystal Livley, Julie Fisher, and Amy Roberts! Who have been studying the New Thought based philosophy to become fully registered Science of Mind Practitioners here at…

Portrait of Rev Kathy Fernandes at Center for Spiritual Living, Chico

Unity – A Science of Mind Principle

There is no separation between us, you can see it in the true nature of who we are. If we just sit, reflect and meditadate we can find to the true onness if we are willing to be open to it. “While a drop of water is no the ocean, it contains within all the…

Portrait of Rev. Andy

Feminine High watch

This Mother’s Day Rev. Andy Torkelson shares emotional memories from his childhood of the five powerfully inspiring women that deeply influenced his life. Today, our Center celebrates the Divine famine energy in and all around us. We are so grateful to every beautiful, loving, strong women out there! Rev. Andy Torkelson explores when he starts…

Portrait of Rev. Michael Benson wearing a suit with a blue background

Clear the Mind…Free the Spirit

“Change your thinking, change your life” – is something we’ve all heard at some point in New Thought. The more we begin to focus our awareness on our own thinking, we notice our spiritual journey is evolving all the time. Rev. Michael once asked himself – “is there something greater to this concept behind “change?”…