
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Woman sitting on a rock outside meditating. with flowers blooming next to her


Written by Rev. Monica Sandoval

I acknowledge the presence of God right here and right now. In the silence, as I move my awareness within myself I recognize that this Presence is all there is, and therefore I know that I am one with it and one with all there is around me.

In this recognition, I speak my word in knowing that there is peace in my world. I release any thought of chaos, crisis or conflict. I turn away from expressions of negativity and fill my mind with images of serenity, order and harmony.

I have peace and harmony in my heart and it reflects in all my relationships and interactions, in all my thoughts, my words and my activity. The Spirit of God within me honors the same Spirit in all.

And I know and affirm that all is well. I give thanks for knowing that God goes before me and the path is clear and filled with light. And so I allow this to become the truth of my being by the action of the Law which always acts upon my word and makes it so.

And so it is.